Version 118
1) New Program – BMW 5
Use: BMW F-Series (CAN) and E-Series* (CAN) cars
*Except BMW X3 (E83)
Engine + EGS Swap (8HP Automatic Transmission Gearbox)
Engine-only Swap
EGS-only Swap
Example models:
F20, F30, F48, E70, E71, E90
Additionally, the original car (donor) must meet the following requirements:
It has to be equipped with one of the following modules: EWS4 / CAS / FEM
– The ISN in the ECU content needs to have 16 bytes
– The ISN in the EGS content needs to have 16 bytes (optional – if your project requires it)
The procedure WILL NOT WORK if the recipient car is equipped with EWS4 / CAS / FEM module.
Available in: